Beberapa waktu yang lalu Poltekkes Kemenkes Bengkulu melalui PUI PK dan Pusat Pengembangan Pendidikan menyelenggarakan seminar internasional. Seminar Ini di ikuti oleh 3 ribu peserta baik dari zoom dan live youtube. adapun tema seminar yaitu STUNTING PREVENTION THROUGH THE UTILIZATION OF LOCAL FOOD, WOMEN OF REPRODUCTIVE AGE INFORMATION COUNSELING, AND CHILD GROWTH MONITORING
dan menghadirkan pembicara dari Malaysia, Filipina dan Indonesia.
*Prof. Dr. Ruzita Abd.Talib *
(Faculty of Health Sciences University Kebangsaan Malaysia)
“The Experience and challenges in the Development and Implementation of Nutrition Education for Prevention of Stunting in Malaysia”
Prof. Leila., Sacdalan-Africa, RND, PhD
(University of the Philippines Los Banos)
“The Role of Local Food Feeding and Child Growth Monitoring to Prevent Stunting ”
Prof. Alicia L. Lopena, RN, MAN
(Philippine Women’s University) )
“Women of Reproductive Age Information Counseling ”
Dr. Susilo Damarini, SKM., MPH
(Health Polytechnic Bengkulu Ministry of Health)
“The Effect of Stimulation of Baby Massage by the Family on Growing Premature baby in Bengkulu”
Ns. Andra Saferi Wijaya, M.Kep
(Centre of Excellence for Science and Technology Health Polytechnic Bengkulu Ministry of Health)
“E-health intervention to improve Adolescent Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior toward Stunting Prevention”
Risda Yulianti, S.Gz., M.Sc
(Lecturer of Health Polytechnic Bengkulu Ministry of Health)
Ade Sissca Villia, S.Pd., M.A
(Lecturer of Health Polytechnic Bengkulu Ministry of Health)

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